Roorkee Institute of Technology
8th Km Dehradun Road, Roorkee, Uttarakhand 247667
RITs' Scholarships [B.Tech]
Students securing 90% and above aggregate of PCM INR 30000
Students securing 80% to 89.9% aggregate of PCM INR 20000
Students securing 70% to 79.9% aggregate of PCM INR 10000
JEE Based Scholarships
Rank 1 – 50000 INR 68000
Rank 50001 – 100000 INR 34000
Rank 100001 – 300000 INR 20400
Rank 300001 – 600000 INR 13600
B.Tech Lateral Entry Students
Students securing 70% and above aggregate of Diploma/B.Sc INR 25000
Students securing 60% to 69.9% aggregate of Diploma/B.Sc INR 20000
Students securing 50% to 59.9% aggregate of Diploma/B.Sc INR 10000
MCA Lateral Entry
Students securing 70% and above aggregate of BCA/B.Sc(CSE)/IT INR 25000
Students securing 60% to 69.9% aggregate of BCA/B.Sc(CSE)/IT INR 20000
Students securing 50% to 59.9% aggregate of BCA/B.Sc(CSE)/IT INR 10000
Students securing 80% and above aggregate of Graduation INR 30000
Students securing 70% to 79.9% aggregate of Graduation INR 25000
Students securing 60% to 69.9% aggregate of Graduation INR 15000
Bsc. Agriculture/Forestry (HNB Garhwal Central University)
Students securing 90% and above aggregate of Graduation INR 15000
Students securing 80% to 89.9% aggregate of Graduation INR 10000
Students securing 70% to 79.9% aggregate of Graduation INR 5000
Students securing 85% and above aggregate INR 20000
Students securing 70% to 84.9% aggregate INR 15000
Students securing 60% to 69.9% aggregate INR 7500