College Information
Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University) imparts quality and socially relevant education in engineering at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate levels. Faculty and students of its department are involved in research activities of interest to society and industry. Our curricula derive its strength from the design and project contents.
We strive to strengthen further our research programs as well our relationship with industry by supporting our faculty and students to work on sponsored research and industrial projects and consultancy. We encourage collaborative programs, which enhance interaction of our faculty and students with industry.
Sponsored projects, In-house projects, consultancy and collaborations with industry and academia are important modes through which our faculty and students contribute towards knowledge and technology. Our institute provides financial assistance to its faculty and students to present the outcome of their research projects in national and international conferences in India and abroad. Our faculty engaged in helping society offers short term courses as well training programs for industry, institutes and organizations. Office of Dean Sponsored Research & Industrial Consultancy provides administrative and managerial support for the operation of Sponsored research, In-house Projects, Consultancy and other activities of the institute. It promotes and manages Institute-Industry interaction and provides helping hand in establishing collaborative programmes of interest to Institute and Industry. Faculty and students are encouraged to take up hands on industrial problems as consultancy projects to enrich their problem solving skills.
The institute website provides information on its resources and activities. It is an opportune moment to invite potential Industries and other academic and research organizations to explore their relation with Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh.